The Productivity Project: Proven Ways to Become More Awesome
– Chris Bailey | Amazon | Blinkist | Apple
Wenn du es eilig hast, gehe langsam. Wenn du es noch eiliger hast, mache einen Umweg
– Lothar Seiwert | Amazon | Blinkist | Apple
The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play
– Dr. Neil Fiore | Amazon | Blinkist | Apple
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
– Daniel Levitin | Amazon | Blinkist | Apple
Make Time: How to focus on what matters every day
– Jake Knapp und John Zeratsky | Amazon | Blinkist | Apple
Schlaf wirkt Wunder
– Dr. Hans-Günter Weeß Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out Of Your Own Way
– Steven Pressfield Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
– Greg McKeown Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Das Think Like A Monk-Prinzip: Finde innere Ruhe und Kraft für ein erfülltes und sinnvolles Leben
– Jay Shetty Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Rework: Change the Way you Work forever
– Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Die 48 Gesetze der Macht
– Robert Greene Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
The One Thing: Die überraschend einfache Wahrheit über außergewöhnlichen Erfolg
– Gary Keller und Jay Papasan Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Die flache Erde ist die einzige Wahrheit
– Giovanni Alaimo und Michael Wittenberg Amazon | Apple Books
Show Your Work
– Austin Kleon Amazon | Apple Books
No Excuses. The Power of Self-Discipline von Brian Tracy.
– Brian Tracy Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
– Jen Sincero Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
– Jeff Sutherland Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities
– Vaclav Smil Amazon | Apple Books
The Talent Code: Greatness isn’t born, it’s grown
– Daniel Coyle Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
The Little Book of Talent
– Daniel Coyle Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Die Prinzipien des Erfolgs
– Ray Dalio Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
When. The scientific secrets of perfect timing
– Daniel H. Pink Amazon | Apple Books
The Happiness Equation. Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything
– Neil Pasricha Amazon | Apple Books | Blinkist
How to Be a Productivity Ninja: Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do
– Graham Allcott Amazon | Apple Books
The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
– Kelly McGonigal Amazon | Apple Books
Die Peperoni-Strategie: So nutzen Sie Ihr Aggressionspotenzial konstruktiv
– Jens Weidner Amazon | Apple Books
Clear Your Mind
– Steven Schuster Amazon
12 Rules For Life: Ordnung und Struktur in einer chaotischen Welt
– Jordan B. Peterson Amazon | Apple Books | Blinkist
Smarter, schneller, besser. Warum manche Menschen so viel erledigt bekommen – und andere nicht
– Charles Duhigg Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books
Der 0,1-Prozent-Joker: Wie wir unsere Freiheit zurückerobern und ganz nebenbei die Welt retten
– Rüdiger Fox Amazon | Apple Books
Busy: How to Thrive in A World of Too Much
– Tony Crabbe Amazon | Apple Books
Keep Going
– Austin Kleon Amazon | Blinkist | Apple Books